Saturday, April 17, 2010

Baking Extravaganza

Häfe Kranz is one of my family's favourite desserts. Traditionally, it's a sweet german almond bread, however over the years it has been adapted into a sweet bread filled to the max with raisins and chocolate chips. I'm not quite sure what happened to the almonds. They got lost somewhere in translation.


I had a bit of free time on my hands this weekend and thought that I'd take on the challenge of making one of these beauties. I first took on this challenge about two years ago, however the one I made this weekend tops the last one by a mile.

I took some pictures so you can see what a whiz I am in the kitchen. Please keep the drool to a minimum. I know you want a piece.


Ben said...

Awwww my little baker :)

Arden said...

Hey Kirstyn! This looks absolutely incredible. I am honestly almost crying I want some so bad. I haven't had this stuff in forever!


(kirstyn) said...

ARDEN! Cousin! Miss you! You should just fly over, and then I'll teach you how to make it :)