Monday, June 22, 2009

Let the sun shine.

I went shopping today. All day. Literally.
I left at 9am this morning and walked back into my house at 7pm.
My mom and I went down to Dundas Square to the Eaton Centre and the surrounding stores.
We had a mission. A very specific list of things that we needed/wanted.
And we succeeded in getting all of the things on our list.
That doesn't happen very often.
We went to all the stores we wanted to, and went back again a few times.

It was wonderful because I actually had money to spend.

I love summer.


And then I went to work for an hour an a half. Lifeguarding.
We had nachos and yummy dip in the guard office.
A farewell snack.

I bought the Eric Hutchinson Album 'Sounds Like This' - It's pretty chill.

I kind of feel like writing something about more serious. But nothing's coming to mind.



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