Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Today was an interesting day to say the least.
We (Everybody; me, you, us) have a tendency to judge people before actually getting to know them. We give them stereotypes. (Blonde, bully, smart kid) Occasionally though we get a chance to get to know these people, or see a differenct side of them. That happened to me today. Someone i thought that I had totally figured out showed me a different side of them, and now my attitude has changed. It was a surprising twist to the day.



Anonymous said...

hey, yeah thats so true. you can never completely know someone, well at least sometimes you do but others put up a false front. awesome game yesterday! cant wait till tomorrows

Anonymous said...

ahh my comment didnt post.. here it is again: yeah i totally agree. some ppl put up false fronts sometimes though. hmm.. yeah totally awesome game last night and cant wait till tomorrow! love ya tuns

(kirstyn) said...

haha hey janelle.. woop woop we won both games this week. I'm so happy. Srry.. i forgot that I have to accept comments before their published, and I just did lol.. so yay. Luv ya!